Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Tri Club Stuff 11-25-08

Just an FYI - I'm going to have to start blind copying everyone on our emails. However, if you need to get into contact with someone, just email me directly for their address.

Thanks so much to Kevin Miller for organizing, updating and maintaining our blogspot,
www.tampatriteam.com. This is meant to be interactive and a tool for everyone to use and contribute to. So, if you have any helpful websites or pieces of information that you think other club members could benefit from, just email it to myself, ymcajill@aol.com, or to Kevin at kmiller@idlewild.org. I'll eventually get our complete 2009 race list posted with links to their sites - there is a partial list up now. This is also a great place to post race reports, for anyone who is interested. This is a complete work in progress, so let us know what information would be helpful to add.

Please get your tri-club apparel order placed asap. I have three people that are interested in getting a tri-suit, but I need a minimum of 12 to actually order them. If you are interested in also getting a tri-suit, let me know asap. Let me know if you need me to send you another order form or if you have any questions.

For those of you that are thinking about doing the Gator Half on April 5 in Sarasota, there is a great opportunity for a good deal this Friday ONLY - half off entry.

Don't forget early sign-up for St. Anthony's (dual registration with Morton Plant Mease) is this Friday and Saturday. Lisa will be leading another free training group for this race. The informational meeting will be on Wed, Jan 28 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at the Bob Sierra YMCA. The actual training program will start on Monday, February 2.

We have two sponsors for our triathlon club this season - ISM Saddles (
www.ismseat.com) and Carrollwood Bicycle Emporium (www.cbebikes.com). Carrollwood would really like to get more involved with the triathlon market - both Manny and Brian have become triathletes themselves and will be doing St. Anthony's with us in the spring. They welcome any and all feedback you want to give them on becoming a more "tri-friendly" store. So now is your chance to shoot them an email (tell them your a member of the club) and let them know what products/services they could offer to better serve the tri market: carrollwood.bicycle@verizon.net.

One more thing - I have been asked several times if you need to be a YMCA member in order to be a part of the tri-club and the answer is yes. However, they can be a member of ANY YMCA, it does NOT have to be the Bob Sierra branch. We don't charge dues because we offer the tri-club and two free training programs as a service to our members. So, as your friends inquire about the group, just encourage them to join the Y.

I think that's it for now. Have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING!

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