Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tri Club Update for 11-19-08

Tri Club party is this Saturday night, Nov 22, at 5pm at Mark Davis' home. If you not rsvp'd yet, it's not too late. Also, if your plans change and you decide Saturday afternoon that you can make it after all, just come - the more the merrier. If you can bring a side, that would be fantastic, but please don't let that keep you from coming.

As for the tri-club apparel, I will have samples for you to try-on at the party. I will need everyone's order on or before Saturday, November 29. FYI - Squadra is pretty true to size, so you should be safe ordering your normal size, even if you don't have an opportunity to try it on. Just email me and I will shoot you an order form - the price does include tax, so just add it up, write a check (or put your credit card info on there) and either drop it in the mail to me or place your order directly at the front desk and have them mark the form paid and place it in my mailbox at the Y. FYI - If you place the order directly at the front desk, it would be safest to email me what you ordered too, just so I make sure it gets placed correctly - better safe than sorry.

The more people we have wearing matching race gear, the cooler it will be. Once the order arrives, I would like to specify a pick-up date in January/February, in which everyone wears their tri-club shirt (also available to order on order form) and/or race gear. We can then arrange a team picture and hopefully get it printed in USAT Triathlon's magazine sometime in 2009. The more that can come, the more impressive it will be.

A lot of you are training for marathons and half marathons and for many of you, this will be your first time completing this distance. We are very lucky to have a knowledgeable and experienced running coach in our group, Paula McCarron. For those of you that aren't aware, she has always led a marathon training group on early Saturday mornings that meets in the parking lot behind Lifestyles - some people run with her and then join the Gaither Bike Ride at 7:30/8:00 a.m. Anyway, if you are interested in some great training, contact Paula at and she will let you know the details and meeting times. FYI - this is free.

Mark your calendar - Sports Medicine Physician with the FL Orthopaedic Institute, Wes Dykes, will be speaking to our triathlon club on Wed, Dec 10 at 6:30 p.m. Because there is so much interest in this, he is willing to make this a two-part series to make sure we get all of our questions answered. The 2nd date will most likely be the following Wed, Dec 17 at the same time.

Craig Hickson has a FREE 2-Bike car carrier available to anyone who wants it. If interested, contact Craig at

Don't forget that this week is BIKE WEEK at the YMCA. Bring in your old bikes (adult or child) by Saturday in order to have it donated to God's Pedal Power.

Take a look at the calendar and let me know what races you're planning on. I will have calendars available at the tri-club party. If you could write your name on the calendar and circle the races you are tentatively planning on, in addition to adding others and any general comments you may have, I can keep a better, ongoing list.

Mike's next Saturday morning ride will be on Saturday, Dec 13, rolling out at 7am in front of the YMCA. For more details, you can email Mike at

Trailside Bicycles (by the Super Target on 54) will have a ride on Nov 30, meeting at the store. Their last shop ride was 60 miles and averaged 19mph speed. They had a great turnout and ride. They also have a great list of maps to all the area rides, including San Antonio at the following link:

David Reifert just shared a great triathlon conversion calculator at the following website -

Please read the below email from Laura Toll regarding an autographed ISM saddle from Lance Armstrong.

Hi Jill,

I was wondering if you could pass this on to the Tri Club? This coming Friday and Saturday, November 21st and 22ND, Ackerman Jewelry, 5335 Ehrlich Rd, Tampa will be having their annual Holiday open house. They will be displaying all of the season's newest jewelry as well as having their local representatives from the various jewelry lines.

In addition, every year Ron and Tina Ackerman have a silent auction to support the Children's Cancer Center. Steve and I have been supporters of the Children's Cancer Center and this year, we have been able to donate a very unique, one of a kind, item for the auction:
The USA ISM Racing seat, signed by Lance Armstrong.

In September, while exhibiting at Interbike, in Las Vegas, we found out that Lance Armstrong was coming to the event to announce that he was returning to racing and to promote cancer awareness and research. As you know, Lance's "LiveStrong" campaign has been very successful resulting in millions of dollars going toward this cause. Steve approached the line for signatures (along with hundreds of others) and he was able to have about 3 minutes with Lance. While standing in line, Steve kept preparing a big speech about the bike seat, but when the time came, all he could get out of his mouth, was to ask Lance for his signature for the Children's Cancer Center. Lance was not suppose to sign anything except for the prepared posters that he was handing out, but he agreed to sign the seat since it was going to such a great cause.

The auction will take place this Saturday, at Ackerman's Jewelry, however, you do not have to be there at the time. If you are interested in putting in a bid, you can go to the store or call them. Their store phone number is : 813-961-7321. The money goes for a great cause and just think about a Christmas gift that would be !!!


Laura Toll

On Saturday, Nov 22 at 9am - there will be another Women on Wheels event - a monthly gathering of women to have fun and learn about cycling meeting on the Upper Tampa Bay Trail. For more information, contact Tina A Russo, 813-801-6732. FYI - My understanding is that this is for beginner cyclists, but I could be wrong.

Make sure you get your T³ (thanks to David & Craig for telling me how to cube this) order placed asap. Since we have no budget, I do need to collect money before the order is placed. Deadline is next Saturday, Nov 29. The base color of the apparel will be black with blue, yellow & orange design. I promise they will be cool looking. As soon as I have the design, I will pass it your way, but please don't let this delay your order. If I get a deposit put down on the order by Dec 1, we will get a 5% discount . . . every little bit helps.

Don't hesitate to shoot me questions and/or suggestions about anything.
I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday at Mark's!
Jill Martino
Group Fitness Coordinator

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